As you may know, I began my career in fitness working as a one on one personal trainer. Some of my current clients, and most of my coaches for our adult fitness programs, started with me when I was still primarily training people one on one. We then transitioned to more to group training as a way to help people reach their health and fitness goals. It has been an effective method but I also missed some of the components of the one on one method. Over the last few years we transitioned back to offering more one on one training. Although we still have some clients who participate in our small group training and have made a concerted effort to individualize even within a group training model to help people reach their goals safely and efficiently.
In general, our physical training system is focused on helping you do the following.
1. Increase strength
2. Improve body composition (increase in lean body mass and/or decrease body fat)
3. Boost metabolism
4. Improve biological age/ biomarkers of aging
5. Increase resilence physically, mentally, and emotionally
6. Improve health: strengthen immune system, optimize healing and recovery
7. Increase energy
8. Alleviate pain: heal/regenerate
To optimize your training and accomplish these things you need to focus on the critical areas we have been discussing as part of the “Bioenergetics Checklist.” We all can improve in each of these areas but our challenges for improving our limiting factors are individual.
When I sat down to look at each of our current fitness clients and then start to write a brief individualized plan for each one, what I quickly realized is that although I sit down with each new client and discuss their goals that those goals can change. Before devising a plan I don’t need to assume I still know your goals, and we need to insure we are operating from the same platform. The first step occurs in the mental domain. As the saying goes, “Win first in the mind before stepping on the battlefield.”
We have the systems but having goals helps us to determine how to best utilize these systems. Here is a simple yet effective system for establishing S.M.A.R.T Goals.
If you would like a more individualized training plan simply use this system to write your goals and I we can begin dialing in a more specific plan to help reach them.