Meditation and Bioenergetics

I have been writing quite about Bioenergetics. My fascination with this has really shaped how I see the world and how I view our work at the Optimization Lab and Fletcher Fitness.

Our mission, passion, and goal is to help you “Close the Gap” to becoming the best version of yourself. Ultimately it could be said that our most effective way to help  you do that is to help you increase your ENERGY and Life Force. The purpose of the Bioenergetics checklist is to help you see opportunities to do just do just that.

One component that could added to the Bioenergetics checklist or used in conjunction with it is MEDITATION .

The science supporting the benefits of meditation is amazing,

  • Meditation calms the nervous system by focusing on shifting to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state versus a sympathetic (fight or flight) state. Many of us are in a sympathetic state the majority of our day and meditation is one way we can become more aware of this and also realize that we have control of our state,
  • Meditation allows us work on our ability to focus and pay attention. In our modern world of constant stimulation it is very easy to have our focus and attention diverted and meditation is one way we can practice being present without those distractions.
  • Meditation provides an opportunity to be self reflective of our thoughts and the programs and beliefs that are running our lives.
  • Meditation has been proving scientifically to improve the immune system.
  • Meditation has been shown to improve epigenetic expression of some 1,561 genes.
  • Meditation provides an opportunity to connect to something larger than ourselves.

I have previously written about the “Life Force” equation, where Life Force = Energy x Focus x What’s’ Important Now To the power of Consistency. 

This is a powerful formula, especially if applied from a Bioenergetics perspective. If you accept the idea that we are composed of mostly energy and information, then you should see why it is so powerful. 

So, how does meditation fit into the equation? Meditation is a way to enhance your focus and reflect on what is most important. To Optimize your Life Force, it needs to be done “CONSISTENTLY”.  

1. Your meditation practice does not have to be perfect but it does need to be consistent

2. Meditation with a set intention and elevated emotion can be powerful. (Hint: love and gratitude are two of the most powerful emotions)

3. If the negative emotions of trauma can change a person,  should it not also be possible to use positive emotions to upgrade a person. 

Ultimately, you must determine if meditation aligns with your personal goals. If so, follow these steps to establish a practice:

1. Commit

If you say it is important, then “Honor Your Word” and commit to doing it everyday.

2. Show Up

It doesn’t have to be perfect but show up and do the work everyday.

3. Don’t Quit

If you do happen to miss a day or have a day that wasn’t up to your expectations, just focus on being more committed the next day but don’t use it as an excuse to quit.

4. Be Uncommon

I will be the first to say that it is not easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Everyone can find an excuse not to meditate. If you deem it important, be uncommon and find a way.

5. Become Your Best Self

I personally believe meditation can play a vital role in you becoming your best self.

If you would like guidance on getting started with a meditation practice we are here to support you. As a reminder, we have a Yoga/Meditation class each Saturday at 9:15 am. All are welcome to join us. Our primary focus in this class are two simple yet powerful practices.

Yoga Namaskar

Isha Kriya meditation

I will also be sharing some of my other personal practices as part of the “Mastery Series.”

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